Moving? 4 Things You Need To Do Before You Move

If you are getting ready to move, there are many things that you need to take care of before you move. This list is to help you remember to take care of some of the time-sensitive items that you need to take care of for your move and remind you of a few of the things that people often overlook. 

Book Your Movers 

The first thing to do once you know that you are moving is to book your movers. You want to ensure that you have the moving help that you need for your move. You don't want to be sitting there on the day you are supposed to be out of your old home, with piles of stuff around you and no way to effectively move it. 

When you book your movers, think about what type of assistance you need. You can book movers to help you pack up your entire house or just pack sensitive items, such as furniture and artwork. You can book movers to move all your stuff and provide a moving truck physically. You can even pay the movers to help you with the unpacking process.  

Think about what level of help you need for your moving job and book the movers right away. Moving is an in-demand service, and you will want to book them in advance to ensure you get the help you need.  

Turn on Utilities 

Next, you will want to arrange to turn on the utilities into the property you are moving into. You want to be able to have the lights on when the movers are taking the stuff into your new apartment. You want to be able to use the bathroom and wash your hands.  

Let your utilities service know that you will be moving so that they can turn on your utilities. They can run utilities at both properties for a few days as well to allow you time to move from one property to the next while also getting utilities at both properties. The utilities will make a move smoother for you and your moving team. 

Plan for Your Pets 

If you have pets, you will not want to have them underfoot on moving day. See if a friend can take your pets for the day to not worry about their care when you are trying to move things and clean things up. If you don't have any friends who can take your pets, find a kennel you can board them at or a doggie daycare you can drop them off at. 

When setting up your pet's new area in your new home, be sure to save a few old shirts or items that smell like the old house. This will help your pet feel more comfortable in their new home.  

Pack a Personal Box 

When you are moving, you will want to pack one box that you keep with you and perhaps put it in your vehicle. This box should be what is called a go-to box with what you will absolutely need access to the first night or two in your new place. It can include things such as pajamas, a change or two of clothing, your toothbrush and soap, toilet paper, and paper towels. You need the basics so you don't have to dig through other boxes to find these items.   

Contact a company like J & J Moving Experts to learn more.
